Satara spent two years on research. We searched for the best components in different countries, we developed various fragrances – some unique only to us and we mixed various compounds to achieve the perfect result which can be enjoyed 24 hours a day

Satara Cosmetics Ltd. Israeli Company. Was established in 2009 from a growing understanding of the need for women to find quality skin, face, body and hair care products and simultaneously enjoy the experience of using unique and delightful products with impressive results.
Among the many products of Satara you will find day and night creams that nourish and treat the skin, delicate skin cleansers with quality results, moisturizers and fragrance preparations in a variety of textures and aromas, great hair products and products designed to influence the atmosphere – all at affordable prices and without compromising the quality
Satara’s products contain powerful natural ingredients: Dead Sea minerals known for their ability to heal the skin, quality pearl powder for balanced skin tone, improving its texture and achieving a glamorous look, and a variety of vitamins for proper health of the skin.
While thinking of you and your needs for a user friendly experience and uncompromising comfort, we established our online shopping site, where you can purchase any item you desire at the touch of a button from any spot on the globe, 24 hours a day, effective, easy and secure.
We invite you to “like” our Facebook page, where you can find new products and enjoy various discounts on a variety of items.
All Satara products are made by a carefully thought out process, while listening to and understanding the needs of the changing body. Feel the difference from day one.